It's JUNE, and summertime! (Although, it doesn't yet feel like summer....not nearly warm enough for my taste... but that's another matter!) OBVIOUSLY, I let my blog slide! Other stuff fills up my life, and I didn't make this a priority. I have been creating some artwork all along, much of it experimenting with paper mache' collage.
This piece I call "White Holes". I began a bunch of collages using bits of decorated papers I cut up in tiny squares. As my life is constantly changing, I am enamored with visual transitions, often with color.
I started strong, inspired to have a week off, had lots of ideas floating on my brain, and thumbnail sketches all over. A collage-a-day may have been too ambitious, but I was happy with the few that I did complete.
Happy with my new experiments in collage, I decided I would show these in my AMBUS group show. Our first show, since closing our gallery and pursuing other exhibiting possibilities, was at the Glenn & Viola Walters Cultural Center in Hillsboro, OR during February and March of 2010. As I hadn't worried about framing for my previous work, I was in somewhat of a tizzy figuring out how to best frame my new work! Framing can be considered an artform all by itself! And, can be an expensive one at that!
I managed to artfully frame 5 pieces for the show in Hillsboro, but the time, expense, and worry of framing was not worthwhile for me, so I decided to try other surfaces on which to paste my collages.
I created several collages for The Shape of Memory Show now showing at the Rogue Gallery in Medford with my AMBUS group. This show will be up through June 2010. 

My big goal for the summer is to list my paper mache' creations on my etsy site. Over the years, as an artist, I have created, then accumulated, a wealth of fun, whimsical, colorful paper mache' artwork. As I am not presently exhibiting on the summer art festival circuit, I want the online world to play a bigger part in exposure, and sales! This means I will be spending more time on the computer (thankfully, my desk is in front of a large picture window, so I can gaze outside....), and maybe even keep more up-to-date on this blog!
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